Welcome! Start here : )

Hi! Welcome to Detoxify & Thrive!

I'm so happy to have you here. Above is a welcome video with information on how the program is structured.

Our first live class is on Saturday, March 23, at 12 pm EST. Classes will be about an hour long, with room for Q&A time. We will wrap up no later than 1:30 pm.

Feel free to eat and drink during the class, you can easily mute your mic if needed.

The last class will be held on April 20th. Note that we will begin the detox during the second week of class (3/30), giving you a week to prepare.

Below are the dates of each live class.

Live class schedule:

March 23, 2024, 12:00 pm EST

March 30, 2024, 12:00 pm EST

April 6, 2024, 12:00 pm EST

April 13, 2024, 12:00 pm EST

April 20, 2024, 12:00 pm EST

I will share the link to the Zoom meeting under the week one material and send an email with a reminder and the link.

Each class will be recorded and uploaded to your curriculum here on teachable.

Each week, you will get new material, including the slides for the live meeting, handouts, and resources.

For week 1, your material will be available in the days before the first live class. You can look at them if you like to prepare, or not. We will go over everything in the first live class.

You will be receiving an email with my disclaimer. Please read and e-sign before the program begins.

You can contact me with any questions before the program begins.

Feel free to email or DM on Instagram, whichever you prefer (if we haven't connected on Instagram, your message may be hidden in requests, so email is better).

[email protected]


I'm looking forward to seeing all of you on March 23!


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